Prepping Academy

PrepperNet LIVE with Larry Denny, PrepperNet's NE Tennessee City Leader

Prepping Academy Season 6 Episode 15

PrepperNet LIVE with Larry Denny, PrepperNet's NE Tennessee City Leader

Prepping Academy Radio Show is a live broadcast discussing prepping, survival, and self-reliance. Our Goal at The Prepping Academy Radio Show is to expand your thinking & motivate you to take action – because it’s time that we get prepared.

The central focus of our online academy is a set of guided courses that take you from being unprepared to the ultimate goal of not having to depend on any store, government, or grid. The Prepping Academy is built upon core prepping principles. You will learn how to adapt our training to your unique situation through the academy.

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Forrest Garvin:

Welcome, everyone to prepper. Net live, I am forced one of your hosts this evening. Thank you for joining us. Tonight, it's gonna be an incredible evening like always. And man, I'm looking forward to this this evening. So like always, I got a few announcements. And then we got, you know, we got the normal videos that I've selected, actually had some help this week. So, but hey, let's have a good time again, want to remind everyone, why did why do I do this, this is not for everyone in the world. It's mostly for PrEP members, just to kind of bring everyone up to date, what we're doing, introduce you to some, some of our personnel, some of our leaders, experts with the end prepper. Net. And that's, that's kind of what this is for. And I'm gonna show you guys a quick flash here, you can see that I and my co hosts, Larry is in the green room. So we're gonna get all this started. But we're here live. And so let's get this started. So anyway, hope you'll read that as I was talking. So I do want to tell you guys did, there's a summary about who I am, though, because they're always newbies each week. I do want to point out that you know, you the books, hey, they're, they're incredible. If you don't have them, then you probably will not survive. Okay, that's a joke. Okay, let's keep going. Hey, you do need to check us out. Me and Uncle Buck. Own prepping Academy podcast, we release it usually every Friday morning. So check that out is we're only about 800,000 listeners from being the number one podcast. So I don't know how many Joe Rogan gets but where we take what he gets and subtract about you know, 28 Well, yeah, a lot. So anyway, hey, we do have events every week. I always mentioned a few of these because these are kind of constant. But we have a Zelo net every single Monday night. And hey, well, Larry, did you run that this week?

Larry Denny:

No, I joined dama I didn't run it this week. It was Sierra Charlie. Okay.

Forrest Garvin:

Yes, we Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. But see, he's in the greenroom waiting for me to introduce him and yet I can still talk to him. So we do we we had that. Larry, a lot of times we'll run that he has one on Thursday nights. I know as well, which we don't have that one up there. That's mostly for the Northeast Tennessee group. But so a lot of cities have theirs. And so we got stuff every single night going on somewhere. It's crazy. sisterhoods ello is tomorrow night. And I think Beth I'm sure Beth G she's in the chat room. If you're looking in the chat room, you'll look for Beth G. She is organizing that tomorrow night which is going to be fun. I've never listened to it and they won't let me there will be 40 meter digital net. And then we also have a phone net as well. If you join you get to see all these things, you get more information you get to understand what a Zelo net is, how to install it and how to work and it's easy. But to do that you got to join prepper So all you got to do is join prepper So let's go to next slide is okay, big event. Big big event for prepper. Net may 5 through seventh we're going to a Expo is called Mountain readiness. It's in harmony, North Carolina, which is if you could see where I 77 and I 40 intersect. It's very close to that within like 1520 minutes. So look on a map I 40 it's north east of that. Yeah. Of I 40 and 77 when they where do they intersect? So we're going to have a big showing there. We got lots of permanent members that are teaching there. I've got some good personal friends it's going to come and hang out with prepper net family like Dr. Bones and nurse Amy. Mike Shelby from Ford reserver Alan Kay is going to drop by. I've invited Chris weathermen, which is angry American. So who else Oh, the dude from Oh my gosh. Stoney Stoney something he's, I don't know, he's a big home setter. bunch people will be stopping by the prepper. Net event. We're doing a little event on Friday night. Again, if you want more information on that just joined prepper So that's for more information on mountain readiness. Go to mountain and register and we'll see you there. So Oh, some of the names is going to be there. Stoney Ridge is the guy I was thinking about. Some of the guys is going to be there some photos and and peeps. And I know kilted prepper is going to be there. Athan got the guy's name from Off Road Truckers, there's gonna be in the knife guys gonna be there, it's gonna be it's gonna be great. Just go and check it out. Hey, next weekend, I'm going to do a big sale on legacy food. Again, you're a member of prepper. Net. That means that I can offer you prices that no one else in the world can. Because it's a membership, I don't advertise it to the public. The way it works is simple. If a product costs$1,000, that means it costs me$500. And that means you would pick buy that for $1,000. anywhere else. So I split the difference with you. So you save around 25%. And I have shipping that as well. So I I make I don't know 15 to 20%, depending on the shipping, and everything. So hey, it is a win for you. And also supports prepper. Net, you can see how that works. But you will you'll save on at least set. I think he's 25% minimum on most of the purchases. And legacy if you don't know is the absolutely best period, bar none. Most pounds. Most calories for your dollars. It's the best food. It's almost like a expert shelf, chef cooked it for you. It's really good. Anyway, I made that part up. But it sounds good. Next is oh a big event. And Asheville this is you know, sometimes we don't you know, excuse me advertise events like this. But to my good friends, Eric parlo. And Patrick Adams is doing an event where they're teaching a hands on advanced radio class, you have to be at least a general you have to be a permanent member. There's some basic, you know qualifications, because they don't want to waste time. But if you pay the fee, it's like a 10 hour class it is 10 hours it says a 10 hour, you get food you get all the training hands on. By the time you leave this event. There you will have questions but you will know not only all the basics, you'll be able to turn your radios and repeaters be able to talk on probably did G and HF and all the other different things. And your spouse can come for free. So I think there's only like six or eight spots left. I know Beth G is going to that. And I can't believe Eric is not in the in the chat room. But hey, if you have any questions whatsoever, email Eric at that email address, email Eric at that email address. And again, there's eight spots available, they will go fast. So it's first come first served there, they'll be gone by tomorrow. So if you're interested, go to prepper And you can get more information on that or you can go to the Asheville meetup and maybe check that out as well. But I would just email Eric and he will email you everything you need to know there's echo Papa is in the house right there. So he is here. If you have questions, just send us an email and say hey, I'm interested and that can get everything that you need and all your dreams and wishes on ham radio will come true. So if you have any questions in the chat room, I don't mind while I'm talking. You can ask echo Papa. But it's it is April 15. It's a few several weeks away. So anyway. Go to that. C van only Yep, so he's he's gonna take care of you guys and I'm moving on. Hey, son oven sentiment is the greatest product ever invented by mankind outside the cell phone. But the SUN OVEN can cook your food dehydrate your food, it can pasteurized water, it can save your life. So I'm giving away a free one. It's the whole package is actually more than $679. But go to prepper prepper And you know why? Yeah, I will probably give that away after I make the announcements in two weeks. And we'll see. Maybe you'll win an email, it may ask for your name, but I just need your email. Because if I gotta let you know if you want or not, I think you'd probably want me to let you know if you want or not. Okay, let's keep going here. Oh, guys, I need your help. I need your support. There's things that prepper net needs to buy. We need to buy some things to do a better job for you guys. And so to do that, you buy legacy food Roma's or you become a member for $40 a year, that's literally like three cups of coffee. I mean, well, okay, if you go to Starbucks, it's three. But here's $40 here and you get I put a Levin courses, Intro to crypto spy tech workshop, family emergency planning, I've gotten so many comments on that one. Because the documentation I provide for that. People literally print it out and they fill it out. And they have their own family emergency plan with bugout routes with nicknames. Everything that you need is is crazy, important document binder, putting that together, privacy security homebase business webinar, my intro to preparedness, which is cost us five videos, each one is over an hour and a half long, a lot of videos and it comes straight from my book that I wrote as well. So roadmap to preparedness anyway, so that so go join is$40 a year. If you can't pay $40 a year, then, wow. I mean, you can't be a prepper if you can't afford 40 hours a year. But anyway. So anyway, tonight is Larry, he's my northeast Tennessee. City Leader. He's on he's way more than that. But that's what his title is. And we have a Mr. Gas on May 1. It's some I don't know who it is. So I'm working on it. So anyway, hey, Larry, are you in the house? Let me bring you up here so everybody can see our ugly mugs. Oh, there we are. Oh, gosh. Oh, wait, let me go back. So Larry, Larry's been with us for a long time, Larry. He's, like I said, he's more than a sales leader. We'll get into some of that for prepper. Net. But um, but Larry, has you been with us for years? I mean, how long do you Where did how did you discover prepper.

Larry Denny:

Net. I joined when it was Carolina preppers. Network, and actually would go over to Asheville to their meetings and some of their first Friday camp outs, which some of the winds will advance. first heard about it at Mountain readiness. Sensible mountain preparedness that Jan put out at first I had heard about and then heard about it a couple other events she had and heard about it at prepper camp and then joined through Carolina prepper network and then started talking to you before it went to prepper. Net.

Forrest Garvin:

So how far is your house from Asheville? I want people just don't understand where you're driving to go to this meeting. How far

Larry Denny:

not the fact that I cheat a little bit when I drive. I can drive it in a little over an hour about an hour and 15 minutes if I wasn't breaking the speedway Yeah.

Forrest Garvin:

But you don't break the speed limit. Do you enforce the speed?

Larry Denny:

Gotta get those meetings.

Forrest Garvin:

So um, goodness gracious. But yeah, I remember in the beginning days, how can you and I'm like this guy from Tennessee. I think you are the reason we had to change our name.

Larry Denny:

Well, some people talked about starting one, you know through Carolina prepper network. And everybody's like Larry, you need start one East Tennessee and I said well, they wouldn't understand it being called Carolina prepper network is in East Tennessee. And then when you went prepper net jumped all over. It was more than more than glad to go then.

Forrest Garvin:

Yeah, yeah, I think you were the reason and because you were the one that hot Tron. Oh my gosh. You know At that time we were all over the Carolinas, Tennessee. What are we going to do with people? People are crazy. I mean, that was just thoughts in my head. I would never say that out loud, or anything. So okay, Larry's in the house. I do have some videos, guys, I've got two videos, I would like to show you guys, I'm going to move us to the side, Larry, because these are just funny. I'm just saying, these are funny. And I've got to show these to everyone. So first layer, let's talk about, you know, being a city leader. I mean, see leaders come and go, don't they? And you've been there from the beginning. But you know that I mean, it's hard. Sometimes things come up in people's lives. But so let me ask you, Larry, and you don't know I'm asking this but and I want you to be 100% truthful. Be in a city leader? How important is it? And what does it mean to you to be a sea leader for for prepper. Net in northeast Tennessee.

Larry Denny:

I got into it, because I was a Scoutmaster years ago, tried to help kids get involved to be ready to take care of their sails that I pushed and pushed and pushed. When East MC, I really didn't know how many people we'd have show up. And at first meeting I was I was overwhelmed. How many people showed up, I think is as a city later, my goal has always been encourage more people to get into prepping to take that step to talk to other people to, you know, to, to get started. And once they get started, don't bog down, keep going. They have celebrate those small accomplishments and work to the next one. That's what I did in scouting. And that's what I try to encourage and every person that gets in our group or comes to an event with us

Forrest Garvin:

that you made a statement to me, then we're going to talk about the dead cities, because I'm telling you about this later. But do you enjoy being a sensei leader? And let me ask you this. You made a comment to me the other day about your daughter getting married, and you looked around and go, Oh, my gosh, these are rare brunette people with a lot of them. Go ahead. Tell me Tell us about that.

Larry Denny:

You know, that's true. I mean, when I was, I've been in law enforcement over 30 years, and a lot of the people that was going to be invited to her wedding probably would have been from a law enforcement family. prepper. Net has become our family. And there is a bull load of people that's been invited to my daughter's wedding that I'll ever prepper. Net. And there's probably gonna be a lot more pregnant people there at her wedding, then there will be law enforcement now because prepper net has become her family and our family.

Forrest Garvin:

Oh, yeah. I remember when she was having some issues. I mean, prepper net family, I think you could tell me but just literally surrounded you and your whole family and was praying for her to get better. And I remember that.

Larry Denny:

Yes, sir. That kept us going.

Forrest Garvin:

kept going. Awesome. So um, so what we're saying here, guys, is we have five cities and California. And we had some great leaders. One lady, I think she was a doctor. And she moved out because she wanted to like, show her homestead and get all this, you know, a so she moved in which left a vacancy right there in California. We had another leader that was moved because because his wife job transfer, I'm sorry. There's reasons people move. And and our fault has been not encouraging people to have a team of people instead of just one people. But you can see we have some some cities in California, that that need leaders if you're if you are a member in California and San Diego, Glendale. Let's see Nevada County, North County, oh, North San Diego, and greater Sacramento area. Hey, we need live leaders there. It's real and we have training. We have people like big bath in the chat room and, and love to help people. And I mean, that's what we do is we help people become the leader. So hey, if you're interested, contact join prepper and say, hey, I'm interested. And we we've we've done this every one of our shows, and literally every show we get someone new, they're going hey, I don't have a city there, but I'm down in Oakland, could I start with an Oakland and we're like yeah, let's start that up. So so if you're interested, there's a whole process we vet you we have to come cert your all your preps and we need all your credit card numbers. That's all No, don't need to do any of that. So anyway. So if you're interested, join permanent dotnet let's see what else is in there. Okay, he's my videos a week. I got two videos this week, Larry sorry, man. They're quick, they're quick. Let me find them real quick. And I was told to only plan one time apparently playing them two times is really irritating. So, so I gotta set up this first one. Okay. So the idea is it's called Invisible prank. So these people act like something is going on. And then you get to see the reaction of the other person. Like for an example, if I'm walking through the yard, I go, Oh, no, no, it's a snake. It scares everyone. Right? So that's kind of what this video is. And I just want to show everyone as we as we have watched this one, and so so turn the volume up. Even louder. I think it should be fine. But here we go


oh, my.

Forrest Garvin:

what is it? What was there? What is it? What is it? up what's in there? What's in there? What's in there? What's in there? Open the door, what's in there? I just laugh. I just I love that. I can't do that. I can't do that in my house. Because people would kill me. I'm just telling you. My wife would smack me get get something and throw at me. But I just think that's hilarious. I like the one where the lady shuts the door in the crotch. And he goes open the door. So okay. I just think that's funny. Here's another one, I think's funny. This is a cool trick you can play on your co workers and family members. And this is my last Funny Video of the week. Usually I only play one, but two this week. So here we go.

Larry Denny:

How to slap someone without consequences.


Oh my.

Forrest Garvin:

So you draw this little bug on your hand like and you're like this or something, you draw it. And then you just smack them and you just point to it. And they think oh, you got it. So that was hilarious. I will try that and kind of mountain readiness. You might have a mosquito on your head or something. Oh, so Larry, you had to admit they were funny where they

Larry Denny:

were sure to the one guy that just sit there went like this.

Forrest Garvin:

I know. He's like. That is hilarious. So anyway, that's my two funny videos this week that I've gotten to try the one where you put you draw something on your hand, and you just hit someone you point to it and that's all and they go. Okay, I can't get mad at that. You know what I mean? Because it looks like someone's dead on your hand. So, anyway. So let me ask you a question. We usually go for a book of the week or the best book, but um, we talked about that, but what do you think? I mean, what kind of books do you read, Larry?

Larry Denny:

Well, I like a lot of Mark Goodwin's books. He talks a lot about economic collapses. Some of his books are based here in Tennessee, western North Carolina. So you hear a lot of landmarks and areas you're familiar with kind of brings a little better meaning to it. And like a lot of, you know, Franklin Horton's books, especially in locker nine, because I have a kid that travels and her being away concerns me. So I think about that. How would I get to her and I want to get her home.

Forrest Garvin:

Yeah, yeah. So um Franklin Horton. Yeah, he mainly makes me mad and he writes great books, but you know, there's like a couple series that just makes me mad. One of them was, what was it's kind of like, a one off it was the one on where it was gone going down and Charlotte and Boone they were terrorists or something. Random acts or something like that. It wasn't a series. It was just one book thing. And I, I read that and I called him I said, Listen, dude, you can't write books like that. You can't include Charlotte, you can't include, you know, things like that. You just got to stop that. And Mark Goodwin, man, he's great. He is he's got a dude. There's not a man on earth producing more books than Mark Goodwin. And they're good. Yes, no, he's, he's good. But okay, so I got my little spider thing. Ready. See, see if I smack someone. I'm, I'm ready to go. You do like I do, though. I mean, I read books, paper books, when I can. But my Audible account. I have hundreds of books in there. I've read hundreds of books I've read. And so I like to listen to a matter of fact, I just added one. And I can't wait to get started. I y'all should be any my books to Audible. All my books are on Audible. And I don't read them. So that's good for all you guys. It's called, it's called own spiritual combat is a book. A guy just kind of told me about it. And the last one I read was Catch Me If You Can. Then I read delete that. By John Chris. I mean, so I have hundreds and hundreds of books I read by listening. And that is reading. I mean, it is a lot of people that's not reading. That's what this that's what this is for. was one says Well, that's not reading back. Oh, yeah. I Yeah. So. Um, so what got you. I mean, you've been a prepper. I mean, when we've taught you've been a prepper, or in the mindset for years, what kind of got you into this.

Larry Denny:

Mom and dad grew up in the Depression era. My dad was World War Two veteran. And my mom grew up with that mindset. She had a lot of younger siblings she had take care of my father was same way he was next to oldest in his family. Pretty much everything they had they raised. I mean, whether it be meat, whether it be vegetables, whatever. My dad got back from the army and from World War Two and did a lot of different things. But he also he took care of a dairy farm. So everything we had that we ate, was raised, you know, in our place. Just got to the mindset of that's what I understood was a way of life. I didn't really look at it as prepping. And then I got into Boy Scouts, prep and really kicked into that and just kind of went through my whole life looking at always trying to stay one step ahead are always trying to have the things I needed on hand or close by and, you know, got into law enforcement and met my wife and I'm married to and should arrest her. Actually, she probably got me to straighten my act, fly, right. The good thing about that is, you know, she was very interested in prepping. She actually when I was a Scoutmaster, she helped me with my scout troop when we were dating. She was She kept, you know, she was my secretary kept everything going. She helped with the meeting, she helped with committees. And so we got to do a lot of things together before we ever got married. And that helped, I think, with her on the prep and mindset to being around scouting. So a lot of things kind of just fell into place for us. And really, it hit home on 911 Because I had always been kind of a loner about my preps. And I was working in law enforcement that day can tell you exactly where it was what it was doing. And when everything happened, I came home, grabbed my bag, and then it dawned on me, my wife didn't have a bag. I had not prepared her. And so I spent a lot of time making that for that.

Forrest Garvin:

You know, we talked about that in the bugout thing that we did. A lot of people they have their own bag, and because their wife is not involved or or donor doesn't approve, then a lot of times they don't do the female bag or the kids bag. And you know, I guess it's almost like living a lie. And it's like yeah, I got my bag. I got my bag, but I mean, but you don't have your family. I mean, can your entire family live out your bag? No is the answer to that before you answer that Um, I mean, so you got to have all the bags. And now it's kind of interesting when me I've got people that have moved out kids. And like, Okay, what I mean? Yeah, there's a whole dynamic when you have kids leave the house, you know this. And it's it changes things. So but yeah, so now, does your wife have a banking app? Well, I would say that your wife, knowing your wife, she's probably put her own bag together at this point, and didn't wait for you.

Larry Denny:

Everybody in this house has a bag and her bag travels with them where they go.

Forrest Garvin:

You said you said you're in. You're in law enforcement. So do you shoot people like every day?

Larry Denny:

Not every day? is too much paperwork.

Forrest Garvin:

Too much. You go into court every day. Other day is not good. So so you're Yeah, remember, you're in law? You're I mean, I won't tell people but I mean, you're you've been in for a while. So you? You don't actually I mean, you I mean, you have a lot of experience in law enforcement. We'll just say that. Yeah. So was there an event that you're prepping for

Larry Denny:

to me? You know, when I listened to Dr. Fortunes books, that EMP thing hit pretty hard. And but watching everything going the way it's going now I'm more concerned about an economic issue

Forrest Garvin:

do you know this person? Yeah, I

Larry Denny:

know that versus she's and she's right. Her bag is customized to her needs just like my daughter's.

Forrest Garvin:

Yep. Okay. So okay, so So you you prepare for the EMP thing

Larry Denny:

started out that was a major focus in my life because I had a lot of friends in prepping and back then. And they were looking same thing because we kind of looked at it as if you prepared for the EMP yet. Everything else covered.

Forrest Garvin:

You got everything's covered. Yep, yep. And so, you know, sometimes when we go camping, you drive this weird vehicle. And it's, it's not, it's not like a utility vehicle. It's not like a camper or an RV. Can you tell me what it is?

Larry Denny:

It's like camping Lance. It was an ambulance, it began its life as an ambulance. And now it is a camper. It is a it carries a lot of our equipment, it carries a lot of our weight. We food stored in it, we got a lot of gear stored in it might even have some other things stored in it that some people probably keep locked up in a safe at their house, but I keep it in that camper ready to go. And, you know, it's become a big asset to our family. It goes to every outing we go to, and I love it. It's like it's a big box. I mean, it's got everything we need.

Forrest Garvin:

Now, please tell me you didn't take the lights off.

Larry Denny:

Not really, some of

Forrest Garvin:

you gotta be able to use them. Some of almost all

Larry Denny:

the lights are there except the flashers. And that's because we built a rack to put up on top and we use the mounting brackets for some of the flashing lights for that. But all the scene lights are there. If I flip on the scene lights, everything grows, everything glows after that.

Forrest Garvin:

Then I would get flashing lights on this sucker. I mean, I mean, and then I would get magnetic signs. And just boom and like you know make it look like a real first responder. And then you could be the first one to the campsite.

Larry Denny:

Looked at all different kinds of license plates. I want to put on that thing. Have you named it? We call it the campy Lance campy Lance. Okay, it's

Forrest Garvin:

a name. And that's That's just funny. You You gotta have signs though. You gotta make signs the side that makes it look like it's still a vehicle. But when you read it, it says like Alamance County or something or something where people would they just glance at it. They go oh, man, I need to get out. You know, but anyway. Yeah. That's just, I mean, have you ever seen that done before? I mean, where'd you get that idea?

Larry Denny:

Actually, I got the idea because I wanted I was gonna take the box off of it and put it on a back of an old EMP proof truck I have and ambulances come in various links. And the one I've got too big to fit on the back of that truck. So we He decided that instead of changing our idea and not not having one at all, we turned it into a pool behind that way we can pull it with any vehicle we've got. And it'll pull behind any truck. We know.

Forrest Garvin:

So you don't have the truck underneath it. You just have it. Oh,

Larry Denny:

yeah, it's got its own brake system. It's got its own hydraulic brakes, it pushes against the truck truck, it pushes brake fluid to the we still got the dually rear end and so I can pull it with any truck we got.

Forrest Garvin:

Interesting. That's kind of disappointing that I'll just be honest with you. I want the flashing lights and on the truck. So but yeah, I understand. So um, so you do a lot of events in northeast Tennessee. I mean, you I mean, I would say your top five for sure. Most active groups we have. And you go camping, you do all and I mean, people from my Charlotte group drive was four hours, three

Larry Denny:

hours to your group, around four years.

Forrest Garvin:

Four, they drive four hours all the time to go to your group. And it kind of makes me mad. I'm like, why aren't we doing that here? And I think it's more because of you and the people in your group than the lack of events we have here. But tell us some of the things that you do. That is pretty amazing. You know, all the people that are involved in what you guys do?

Larry Denny:

Well, we do an actual camping trip, May through November. We have a meeting every month, but may through November. We have a camp out. We try to get everybody to roll in on Friday. Some people roll in actually on Thursday and Friday night we have a campfire and talk about open topics on Prepon Saturday morning, everybody has breakfast, we start classes. We try to do at least one DIY type class and we do hands on classes and we'll do things like you know, we set up a big campus course or we'll do this year we've got a man and woman that's going to teach archery. They're big in archery, so they're gonna teach archery this year, we did some dry bulk, you know, buckets turned into water filters. We reloaded ammunition right there at the picnic table had a guy come up this big into reloading, everybody went home with some ammo, they loaded their self. We do that all through the summer. And then in November, we have a camp out where let me go back on Saturday. We have classes Saturday night, we have a big potluck dinner. And then we'll have a campfire after that. And then Sunday we we have everybody gets together before everybody leaves. In November, we do it just a little different because it gets darker sooner. And we'll have a dinner and a movie will while we're having our potluck. We still have all the other events. But while we're having the potluck dinner, we set up a prepper type movie, so that you can actually watch a movie in the campground at one of the campsite while we eat. And it's always a prepper type movie. We never veer from that. And we've done a lot of different movies that got people to think and we kind of pick it apart after so we'll see what people what kind of ideas it got them to just stimulate.

Forrest Garvin:

So Beth wants to do a movie night in Charlotte. I think she wants to do High School Musical. I don't know. That's the word I've been hearing. I just refuse to go see that. But um, she wants to do. She's causing. She says it's a prepping movie, but I don't get it. So, so you've seen permanent change over the years? I mean, I guess Gosh, you I mean, you've been an over I don't know what the dates are appraised six or seven years total? I don't know what's the best best set of lines?

Larry Denny:

Well, trying to think what the year was. Sensible mountain preparedness was at the Folklife Center, and then we moved on from there. So we started. You went national in 2018. We had our first meeting in northeast Tennessee November of 2018. And I've been with CPN few years before that.

Forrest Garvin:

So what have you just an honest assessment. What do you think? I mean, because we're growing we're now in 115 or so cities. We actually created like two more cities in the last couple of weeks. I know we did. Um, Kansas City, Kansas City was big. And I don't know if Casey is own here, but Kansas City is bad because I have a son that's graduated from Chapel Hill. It's me was in the Kansas City. So it's important, we have a very good group there. And the other group was, I don't know. But we've started like a couple groups in the last couple of weeks. So you seen it grow. So as a as a person that is looking to get involved, that is maybe hesitant, or they don't have a city near them? Or a, they don't have a permanent group in their city. Would you encourage them to start one or just talk to us about all that?

Larry Denny:

It's worth the drive. I'll be honest, we, you know, I had been on Zelo when it was Carolina preppers network. And then I had went to Asheville and Waynesville, and the very first prepper, net bugout camp, I could sit in my campsite and listen to voices around me. And I knew who those people were. I knew who Elizabeth was, I knew who Eric was. I mean, I could be Eric Yes, you know, and I could listen to those voices all the way around me and I knew who they were. And it was, it worked out to where I could walk up and talk to him because I felt comfortable. So I would say to anybody, it's worth the drive. If your city is not in not close by find out where it's at and drive there. Spend some time, invest time in, you know, times the one thing we never get enough of, and he can't reload it after you use it. So spend it wisely spend it, getting out of here, go into a prepper. Net city group, getting to know people get on Zillow and get to know people. Yep. And you might find somebody that will start a group and you might start it yourself.

Forrest Garvin:

And you know, yeah, and also, the, the idea of being a part of group is, I mean, that's one of the things that pushed, you gotta be a part of group, but the group also needs to be in your own community. That's why we have these in communities. And that's why, you know, we we push meeting in person, so you can meet people. And you I mean, just imagine, six years ago, if your daughter was to get married, of course, she would have been young man. But, you know, your whole friendship and, and, and friends have completely changed over the years because you've met my like minded people have the same interest. And a lot of them I will say 100%. I mean, most of them, have, they care about you, and your future. And even when the crap hits the fan, they care about you.

Larry Denny:

Yes. And you know, one of the things I looked at being that I've done what I've done for as many years as I've done it, I wanted, I had certain officers that worked for me that I trusted that we would continue on go into work if an ST sh TF event occurred, our plan was to keep going. But I wanted to know my family was safe, I wanted to know that no matter what happened, they'd be they'd be looked at after. Because those few people that I knew that was going to continue coming to work each day to try to keep things as safe as we possibly could for as long as we did. I wanted to know my family was safe. And then that was one of the big things would be and in doing so. I feel like I've got a whole group of friends now that are the best friends I've ever had in my life.

Forrest Garvin:

Here's Phoenix, she's talking about going to old school boot camp that's in Ohio. I'm not going to make it because I have a graduation, my son's graduating from Chapel Hill. But we're going to have a get together there of people from all over for prepper. Net, it's gonna be getting together there, it's gonna be pretty cool. That's gonna be a lot of fun. I wish I can make it I was there last year, but this year is just not going to work out. So everyone in the in the chat room and listening live, what I need you guys to do is Larry is the king of any question that you can imagine. So if you have any prepper quick questions or how to make a maybe you want to take a a UPS brown truck and turn it into A into A into a RV style thing. So if you have a question for myself or Larry, in the chat room, just type like question and then put your question you don't have to spell out question you can just put question marks and then ask a question. It could be to Larry myself, it could be the other people within here like Beth had a lot of people asking her questions and you can even his wife is online. And you can say hey, is he really this crazy or something and we'll see what her response is. But I'm going to ask a few more questions. And if you have questions, yeah, Beth Gee, thank you for showing us what three question works look like. I want to show everybody that so look right there, there. There's Beth G. That's, that's as big. She's showing everyone how to do it. So thank you, Beth. High School Musical. Oh, no, your wife said yes. On the If you got questions for so that could be trouble. So

Larry Denny:

crazy part.

Forrest Garvin:

Yes. And so. So do you have a punch? It is just before then. But do you have like a leadership team that helps you with the the the Northeast Tennessee group?

Larry Denny:

Yes, we we call them a core group. And, and to me, I feel like that is you know, I love doing what I do with prep and and I love being involved with the group and I love being involved with other groups besides just northeast Tennessee. But those core group of people, we wouldn't have the Northeast Tennessee we group we have if it wasn't for that core group of people that I can count on. And anytime if we're thinking about advance or planning things, I can send out a text. And it's it comes back tenfold. They come back with ideas, suggestions, bounce stuff off, help and fill in their great tab. I mean, our core group of people is process.

Forrest Garvin:

Priceless. So are you going to mountain ranges?

Larry Denny:

We actually scheduled our first camp out of the year before mountain readiness was scheduled so I I can't walk off on my group. I'll be here.

Forrest Garvin:

Just bring them with you. Y'all can y'all could make that a big hike trip. Walk over the Blue Ridge Mountains. admit you're right. That's real man. Come on. I think we have a solid question your question? Do I miss it? Start you're quite as bad telling people what to do again. So here we go. Question Larry. How big should your med kit for your bobby.

Larry Denny:

I'm big on FX. I'm big on trauma because, you know, being around firearms way I am. I think everybody needs a good quality trauma kit. You can tack on your booboo kit based on your Med, you know the image you need and based on, you know, assorted basic supplies but everybody needs a tourniquet. Everybody needs a couple of compression bandages. You know, I think everybody needs a cat tourniquet. And I think everybody needs a SWAT tourniquet because they both have better functions and the other and compression bandages got to have. And to me, you got to have packing gals because you got to be able to pack it and get that get it get the bleeding stopped, be able to apply that pressure down inside the wound. And it really depends on your training. And if you're trying for it, you need to have it if you're not trained for it, go get the training.

Forrest Garvin:

And let's be honest, a tourniquet is also comes in handy when someone says awkward stuff around the campfire around their neck. Yeah, right. I mean in that, no. Okay, maybe not. Okay, I

Larry Denny:

use a compression bandage for that one.

Forrest Garvin:

Okay. How does one person become a core member in your group? In my group, it's money. I mean, the more money you pay, the closer you can be non kidding.

Larry Denny:

In our group, it's dedication. You know, you show up at the meetings, you show up at the camp outs you participate you. You're not sitting at home on the couch, putting on putting in what you think everybody else should do you get out and be part of what everybody does. So it's participation.

Forrest Garvin:

Yep. Movie Night. So I mean, there's a lot of prepper movies they are, you can you can stretch them to be a prepper movie like The Book of Eli. I mean, it's not a prepper movie, but the dude just bad and it's a good movie, but what kind of prepping movies have you been y'all been doing? I know y'all did all the high school musicals. But after that, what did y'all do?

Larry Denny:

Our very first one was panic in the years 00. Yes. And that

Forrest Garvin:

yes, black and white. Right. And that black and white? It is? Yeah,

Larry Denny:

it is. And if you look at panic in the year zero and look at trying to travel and how people act, how quickly resources will drop food will draw up how people will will start becoming predators. That movie right there panic in years zero I think sets the tone for prep and movies out there across the board.

Forrest Garvin:

Yep. There's also a movie called prepper or something I think there is or something like that. Then there's Jericho, which is a show there's all kinds of prepper. There's also Twilight Zone, there's a night there's a show called Shelter. That's a great, it's only 30 minutes. It's called Shell cracking was that that's very, very eye opening when you watch that, so what other Is there any other movie you can remember? It's a wife question.

Larry Denny:

Last year, we actually November last year since Beth had said anything that one was The Grapes of Wrath. We showed that one from the point of view of, you know, economic collapse, people have to bug out and travel, not be someone prepared to travel, some of them didn't. You look at it from the FEMA camp point of view, and they were staying in the camps. How did you know they had people die along the way. They had people that some people treat them good, some people treat them bad. And that one stimulated a lot of talk.

Forrest Garvin:

So do you know tip toe to you? She says he or she says you're a great leader.

Larry Denny:

That is Sherry. She is one of our core group members. And to me, I wouldn't have stayed with this. As long as I have. I didn't have people like her. Well,

Forrest Garvin:

she owes you $3. So are your $3 Because you said you're a great leader. Okay, here's one. How can we reach Larry and about his group? And the possibility of starting? I'll go possibility starting join prepper And contact Beth G. Beth G is the queen of prepper. Net. But how about you how people just permanent dotnet or

Larry Denny:

through paper net? Not net? Or if they're on Facebook, look for prey brunette, northeast Tennessee, or here's my I'll give you my email address. It's prepare the number to survive. Cap capital T capital in for Tennessee of Yah, yah. Oh, I've been around for a long time.

Forrest Garvin:

Did you upgrade from AOL? I'm sorry, from Hotmail. Okay. I feel like this type of community organizations spreading. Do you guys have any pointers for talking to your neighbors? about organizing? Yeah. So, you know, organizing with your neighbors are the toughest things goes. It's easier to bring together like minded people than to then go to a community and Hope everyone's like minded. You know what I mean? If I say okay, everyone that loves, you know, French poodles, dogs come over here. And then and then that separates the people as opposed to go into your community go okay, all the French poodle people and and some people have other different dogs. It's just hard. But you know, I've told this story many times about my neighborhood, I've made all my surrounding houses, you know, more or less start thinking about it. And just a quick story within 120 seconds. Hurricane knocked out power, I put my generator, a whole house generator. And everybody came over to my house like what is that? I said, my whole house generator. everyone hears on a well, and their septic tanks are power. I said if you guys need to use the bathroom need to take shower if you need water, come to my house. And they said how can we help. And I said my my generator takes natural gas, which you guys can't bring but it takes propane and it takes gasoline, try fuel. And all of a sudden, people started buying gas and propane. Then another disaster a year later, we'd lost power. And all of a sudden I heard like four other generators. So people go, hey, I'll get my own out my own generator. So anyway, that's kind of how I did it. Mike and my community, I have a you you have any pointers for that?

Larry Denny:

A lot of it went through where we kind of hang out at, you know, that was one of the things I can remember talking to people at church. And they would be talking and asking questions, and we'd stand and I, you know, I'd give him what ifs not give them ideas and scenarios. actually had somebody who talked to me about prepper. Net at church one day, and I said well, y'all get on there and see about joining and it was on Facebook. And they sent the request and my phone went off my pocket and I pulled it out and approved it put it back in my pocket acting like it was a workout. And man I got approved really quick. It's got a left didn't think much about it. And, and we got to talk and more. And you know, that was one of the things and through scouting and through work and to various parts of community, my daughter was really involved in four h. And there's you just got to kind of pick and choose those people you feel comfortable to up until you all across your community, not just one place.

Forrest Garvin:

Yeah, someone's walking up to you with a Bud Light, you would go well, maybe not. I'm kidding. That's a joke on the nose. You see the next question there? Yeah, what kind of advice for vehicle conversions? And what's the biggest mistake you made?

Larry Denny:

The biggest mistake I made was not well, our goal is to build another key ambulance that was actually drivable, and we can we want to hand this one down. But what I would tell you, you know, ambulances are great because they're self contained. Uh, we've we've stayed in some major storms in that in that thing and couldn't even tell it was raining outside. And one of the things I looked at with it was storage, being able to have plenty of storage, being able to have watertight storage, that was very important. Some of the things I'd recommend as your storage, you know, alternate means a lot. You know, mine has two bulldozer batteries in it. And we ran for almost a whole year, well made in November without recharging the batteries, and ran off those two bulldozer batteries. And there's a lot of things. You know, anybody wants to talk about it hit me on that on there, and I'll give you I'll send you pictures everything we did two hours from a game and as

Forrest Garvin:

your question, though, don't don't let this offend you. On the scale of redneck one being non redneck at all are 10 a redneck vehicle I mean, where would you put that on the sliding scale there?

Larry Denny:

I would probably have to put it at 8.7

Forrest Garvin:

purchased I can't believe I asked that question but

Larry Denny:

you know, we did a lot of conversions to it. I ended windows with a wooden windows and put fans in it. I believe it's kind of basket on top I used to make the joke I was the mother in law's quarters up on top. I can put a pretty good sized tent up on top and it haul anything I want to put in anywhere I want to take it so yeah. At least it don't look like the Beverly Hillbillies going down a road I mean it's

Forrest Garvin:

okay um comps, you guys have comps and I just comps over and Tennessee. Yes,

Larry Denny:

Justin is our comps guy. He works with Patrick a lot. We've we're still building on our comps group in the basis that we have a lot of various repeaters over here we have a lot of people it's in different stages of their interest in comps. So Justin and a few other people in the group have been working to try to incorporate everybody at whatever level they're interested to try to get them to understand where all they can come to be able to talk.

Forrest Garvin:

Okay, rule number three.

Larry Denny:

The rules of three. Okay, so you got three minutes without air. I want to add one before that one. Ancillary Danny's personal preference, okay, three seconds without protection. That's shorter than three minutes without air. Okay, and then you've got your three hours without shelter three days without water three weeks without food. And you know, almost say this three months without a group without without companionship without having people to watch your back and you walk that watch. There's no without knowing that you have other people with besides you. But that three seconds without protection. Yes.

Forrest Garvin:

You know, and alone. A lot of times the loneliness of missing family members is what knocks people a lot of people out. So yeah. Let's see some more questions here. Is there a prepper. NET app? Beth, will you take care of that or people in there? Tell her how to there is a prepper. NET app but Well, no, no. Tell her share how she can it's actually on the website I believe. Let's see here. What other questions we have here's Rita in Seattle it says I'm gonna Seattle want to cure hood in case to get Yeah, how do you recruit people? I guess? I mean, how do you know how many people recruit and secure the streets and homes? Well, first of all, I would say this. I had a friend of mine Call me just this week. No, sorry. It was not this week it was last week. And he said, he asked me, he says, force, I wouldn't put a film in. And I knew I lived in Atlanta. Do you? Wanna, I need land as a backup? I mean, not a well my land for backup. And I asked them, I said, Are you sure you want a? Well, it goes, well, if the power goes out, and I'm on city water, I mean, I lose power. And I, I said, Well, let me ask you. Are you planning on staying there? If it gets really bad? He was, well, yeah. And then we discussed that. And then after we finished talking, he goes, if I stay here, I'll die. And I'm like, well, that's why I was thinking, so why would you spend, you know, 3000 for that, whatever it is to drill a well on your land? Why would you? Why would you do that? It could be a backup. But that backups for peacetime? That's not for crap, hit the fan time. crampy at the fan time, where you live, you better go? Because there's so many people lives around him. But anyway, it's hard to recruit. It's it's hard to stay where you are. A lot of people stay where they are. I would challenge people, I think it's SELCO is his name. And then the other one is you guys are going to hear or be able to answer in the chat room. Ferrari or for Fargo or whatever his name and ask them guys about living in a city. When the crap hit the fan about people that stay there. They it's tough people die. But anyway, it's just hard to assess your situation where you live. If you have 500 people within a mile from you. That's tough. But anyway, you want to comment on that. That's a hard one.

Larry Denny:

Well, I never thought that Johnson City would have protests that size that we saw in 2020. And they're on a main road in our town, and I had to work them but in while working them I tried to get on Zillow and communicate with our people here in East Tennessee on our on our Zelo channel and say stay away from these areas of town don't go in these areas. And it turned in they they created a lot of havoc in our city and in our county. And then they started targeting other cities. So I'll just say this, we moved out of the city because of what I do for a living. And I suggest everybody find your peace property doesn't matter how big it is just get out of this ad.

Forrest Garvin:

Eric Pardo He always liked the smiley faces. But hey, everyone knows I'm not staying here when the crap hits the fan. So all my neighbors can have my generator, by the way, and they can have my food here. They can have everything that I know that I don't pack up. They know it's there. So let's see here. Oh, I like I do like this one too. I've heard this when three seconds without hope. You know, maybe three minutes. But there's hope. But you said that about you got to be around people. Mbatha know what she's talking about. She makes stuff she reads books and just she doesn't learn it. It just kind of goes through her head. And she just repeats it hoping people think she's smart. She slammed me earlier. I'm just getting her back and looking for more questions. There's a lot of good stuff in the information. If you are within okay, what's this one? If you're within 100 miles from a city who will die? Hey, you know, she stopped growing. Yeah, she's she's talking like me now. I'm not seeing any more questions but I'm going through here as fast

Larry Denny:

for Beth, okay. Last year at our November camp out we had a tarp shelter challenge and best set up her tarp shelter. Now but I spent the night in her tarp shelter, and she you know, year before and now and year before last should they came up and competed. And year before last is when she actually stayed in her shelter and he got down into the low 20s and she she toughed it out she didn't back up she said she's gonna build that shelter and she stayed in

Forrest Garvin:

Well, I wish you wouldn't say things like that. It makes it kind of makes me want to pull for a little bit when you say things like that oh, yeah, she responds Yeah. So what events do you have you guys have coming out what's the next event you're you got to camp out that coming up in May.

Larry Denny:

We got to come About it's just so happens it's the same weekend as mountain riding, it's we've got one, I can put up a calendar, but we've got one in every month through November. And we try to alternate them away from other events so people can go to both. And it just happened that it failed that weekend. But let me grab my calendar here and I'll tell you exactly what the dates are.

Forrest Garvin:

Okay, while you do, okay. So Dave, at Mountain readiness, my class is not a paid class. So I think if you come to me, I'll make sure you get in for sure. I don't know how they're doing. I'm just answering a question. Where are you looking at up, Larry?

Larry Denny:

I've got the dates. Yeah. May 4, or fifth sixth, seventh, June 9 10th. And 11th. July 20 21st 22nd, August 11 12th, and 13th. If I'm going too fast, just ask me a month and I'll give it to you again. September 8, nine and 10. And there's a reason why we do eight, nine and 10. Because we figure something gonna happen on the anniversary of 911 will already be the heck out of the city. Yep. And then in October, it is sixth, seventh, and eighth. And November we hadn't we haven't given the dates out yet. Because the particular campground we use, they don't let you make reservations, more than six months out. And we kind of we try to get in and get our reservations as quick as we can. Yep. campground up on highway 421. Outside of Bristol,

Forrest Garvin:

I will come to one of them this year. We've been invited in for a long time. Well, we you kind of do this like No, don't come but yeah, come it's kind of a, Hey, I will say mountain radius. I am teaching a class on home based businesses from my book. And I'm also teaching survival groups. And here's the thing, okay, everyone proponent has heard my survival groups over and over and over. And it's not changing too much. Because what I tell and share that is Truth is just, it's reality. But you don't know how many people have been in that group. Even if you've been in there four times. And you see someone else going, Oh, wonder why they're here. And all of a sudden people meet each other because I tell you how you meet to meet people. But survival groups and home based business will be taught there. So I wanted to touch that. And then I know you I didn't see this but someone wrote Forrest, you're awesome at this and very good looking. Y'all didn't see in the chat, though. I'm kidding. No one's everybody's complimenting you here. What is the comps called? xhale. Sale. Dale.

Larry Denny:

Thanks for talking about Zelo Zelo. Yes.

Forrest Garvin:

So it's z e l l o if you go to prepper. Net, there is not the Zell app where you can wire money. Well, we can try that too. You can put a name in there. This is like a walkie talkie on the cell phone but if you go again, if you if you go in there to comms or I don't know if there's a group for Xcel whatever but yeah, just ask on dotnet and you'll have 25 people give you more information that you really want it. Let's see here. Oh, here's someone that's in boon. Hey, love Boon love Boon got property of him boon. Lublin. That's not too far from you guys. Larry. Here's another question. Thanks for not telling me about the bear until the next day.

Larry Denny:

It was a buyer don't worry about bears. What is the some bear hunters chased the bear into the campground and it ran through by our bathroom and down over and went into the lake and swam away from the dogs that were chasing it

Forrest Garvin:

so and Beth was afraid she's afraid of loop bear. I saw my first bear ever pepper camp last year. I mean, like live in the wild, not set up or you know, I walked out of my tiny house and behind my car, which was 15 feet. I bear was sticking his head out from behind my car and I tell you, I told you this. Then I told her by purpose. And I was we just kind of stared at each other. And all of a sudden he turned around and took off. And the most impressive thing was his feet hitting the ground going up the hill. I'm like Dane, I could feel that and hear it in my body. easy's taking these steps. It was crazy. So I wasn't scared until that happened, actually,

Larry Denny:

we've got one drinks out of our spring and everybody around us, as they'll call house, say your buyer did this or you're better than that. It comes and gets water out of our spring. But he's never never tore up anything here never bothered anybody.

Forrest Garvin:

So do you do background checks, veining for members of your group? Yes. Now, okay. There's two groups here. If you're talking to Citi Group, like Larry runs, that's a city group open to the public. I'm sure. Larry probably does some vetting like every city leader go. And they'll those kind of just like a high level, seeing what groups you're a member of all this, we kind of do that because we want to know who's coming in. I mean, I know I do that. And back to back definitely does a bad thing pays 35 bucks does a full background check. I'm kidding. But she she just wants to know. Now in my survival group, you wouldn't believe we do background checks on everyone, even me, I put it together. And that's because I mean, am I is anyone a blind? Do something wrong and not telling people? I mean, it's, I mean, some people, I mean, you just don't know. So we always do background checks. And we do it every few years on people. But yes, I hope that answered your question. Do you want to comment on that? Mr. Background checker,

Larry Denny:

I've never used my resources to do any back. Now, what I would say is, is betting is a lot of, it's a lot of communication. And, you know, everybody in our group talks to everybody and everybody see each other. And, you know, we've met people that weren't quite how they represented themselves at first. And those people usually make it easy for you to weed them out. And, you know, like I say, you get to know people,

Forrest Garvin:

as best says, I do not show his yells at me see that she yelling? Even on chat? thinks she's some sweet person. And because she's mean, and I think here echo Papa, they kind of check out the old leaders kind of checks on everyone. I mean, we do that smart to do that these days. You got to know who's in and find out about them. Someone throws up some red flags. I mean, then, you know, you take them out back. Okay, maybe not. Maybe he'll do that. I would not suggest that. Okay, we're getting down close. Oh, here's another question. This would be the last question. I don't know if you know this person or not. Tell them that lady who did not trust you, because you're a cop? What

Larry Denny:

we actually we actually had a lady join our group kind of multiple meetings, and then start talking to people in the group saying, Wow, I don't really know if I trust a copper and in this group, and a bunch of them laughed, actually laughed at her and said, you know, he's always honest with us, He gives us information that we probably wouldn't get anywhere else. And the best part about it is he'll tell you how to stay out of trouble not get you into trouble. And that's the way I look at it. I mean, I might do that for a living but prepper nets my life, I mean, I you know, being what I am a my pay the bills, but prepper nets my life. Yep.

Forrest Garvin:

Yes. And also, you can get us out of all tickets, which is awesome. So if you have a ticket content so Barlow is just saying, Hey, you got to do all if there's someone in your group and you're gonna trust them with your life, you better know every friggin thing you can about that person. So I agree distinguished and and someone said the the jury's still out on me. Yeah, I understand a dress. Okay, well, that's probably as a good thank you for being with us this evening.

Larry Denny:

Thank you for having me

Forrest Garvin:

on. Yeah. So people can contact you on prepper It's probably the best way just join that you can look up Larry he's on there all the time. His his members are on there. And you can ask him questions what they're doing if other sea leaders want to talk to you hey, we that's why we have our city leader meetings so we you know, our senior leaders can connect with each other. And any any, any final words? I used to say any last words, but that sounds very Doom ish. Any final?

Larry Denny:

I guess my final words would be get out and get started. You know, I've heard some people say sometimes if you haven't started by now, it's too late. It's not too late. And get out get started and celebrate To every accomplishment you make and don't get overwhelmed, just get started. And one foot in front of the other till you get where you need to be and Don't stop. Keep going after that.

Forrest Garvin:

Yeah, that's good. That's good. Just get started infants just doubling your pantry or whatever you need to do us. Just get started. Join prepper net get most people motivate you pee. Oh, one nice question. I really do have to

Larry Denny:

Oh, that was so wrong. That is so wrong.

Forrest Garvin:

Yeah, that's, that's, that's hilarious. So the moisture is recommended for survival. Yeah, it is. I guess it's a water filter. Okay, so water filter. Okay, everyone, we're going to be back in two weeks. We're having Mr. Guest. It's so mysterious. I don't know who it is yet. But we'll have someone incredible and to be a mystery. Hey, Larry, thank you for I mean, I said this the beginning but you do way more for president than just to say later you. I call you a question. Sometimes you give advice you help other people. I mean, you are you are the leadership team for prepper. Net, for sure. And I appreciate everything that you do for prepper. Net. And if you could control bath, I would pay you money. And I know everyone's like why do you always have bath like runs everything? If you don't know? She's like the queen. So I give her a hard time and she can't fire me. I love that. Well, maybe she can actually. But hey, thanks for joining us this week. In two weeks, we'll be back. Join prepper Immediately the Z mean, sign up for our premium membership and hey, I'm gonna do an email about the food. Nick this coming weekend. Everyone you guys take care. And we'll see you guys later. Thank you everyone.

Larry Denny:

Y'all take care