Prepping Academy

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy from Doom and Bloom Medical

Prepping Academy Season 7 Episode 7

Welcome to this week's installment of "PrepperNet LIVE," where we are delighted to feature Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, the dynamic hosts of "The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Hour" and the accomplished authors behind "The Survival Medicine Handbook," a work cited and respected by numerous authors. Dr. Alton, one of our esteemed hosts, has also authored the New York Times Bestseller "The Ebola Survival Handbook."

In addition to their extensive knowledge in survival medicine, Dr. Joe and Amy Alton also provide valuable insights into personal protection, including the use of bulletproof vests. They expertly cover not only the mechanics of how bullets can damage the body but also emphasize the critical importance of body armor in personal defense. Their expertise extends beyond medical matters, ensuring that our audience gains comprehensive preparedness knowledge.

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PrepperNet is an organization of like-minded individuals who believe in personal responsibility, individual freedoms and preparing for disasters of all origins.


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